15 Best WooCommerce Automations to Increase Sales

Are you searching for simple and wise methods to automate jobs and increase sales in your WooCommerce shop?

Automating jobs in your online shop can conserve money and time while growing your company and increasing sales.

This post will show you how to utilize WooCommerce automation to increase sales.

Why Automate Your WooCommerce Store?

If you are running a WooCommerce shop, you most likely invest much of your time carrying out recurring jobs. These can be anything from sending marketing emails for your online shop to processing consumer billings.

Would it not be great if you could automate all of those jobs and concentrate on growing sales and your company?

You can utilize the best WordPress automation tools and plugins to automate WooCommerce jobs. Doing this will conserve time, provide a much better user experience to your consumers, and eventually increase sales.

With that being stated, here are 15 WooCommerce automation to increase sales:

  1. Usage Automation to Personalize Your Email Marketing
  2. Establish an Automated Marketing Campaign With Push Notifications
  3. Let Customers Track Orders With Automated Transactional Emails
  4. Rapidly Update Your Customers With Automated SMS Messages
  5. Automate All Invoicing and Payment Processes
  6. Usage Automated Store Activity Notifications to Boost Sales
  7. Instantly Display Your Best Product Reviews
  8. Utilize an Automated Sales Funnel to Boost Sales Conversions
  9. Decrease Cart Abandonment With Popups and Push Notifications
  10. Send Out Automated Coupons to Bring Back Customers
  11. Automate Your Social Media Channels
  12. Immediately Display Social Media Content in WooCommerce
  13. Make Your Forms Smarter Using Automation
  14. Automate Live Chat Using Artificial Intelligence
  15. Usage Uncanny Automator for Even More WooCommerce Automation
  16. Reward: Track Conversions to Learn How to Increase Sales

1. Usage Automation to Personalize Your Email Marketing

Are you staying connected with your clients utilizing an email newsletter? You might not benefit from all the automation tools available in your email marketing software application.

The finest email services like Constant Contact, Sendinblue, and Omnisend all have combinations with WooCommerce. They enable you to individualize your emails by including the consumer’s name and more.

They likewise let you establish a Welcome email series utilizing a drip project. This series of automated emails will head out immediately to brand-new consumers.

Pick an e-mail automation

You can find out how to start by scrolling down to our guide’s automated drip emails area on how to send out automatic emails in WordPress.

Furthermore, if you are trying to find a hensive tool that uses WooCommerce email modification and auto extremely, suggest utilizing FunnelKit Automation.

Apart from completely tailoring your WooCommerce emails, it enables you to establish clever, automatic follow-up emails and workflows to improve your sales.

You can get going with FunnelKit Automations by picking automation from a library of convenient design templates.

Autonami Email Library for WooCommerce

You can immediately send out an email series to brand-new clients, recuperate abandoned carts, send advertising emails to chosen audiences, and more.

There is likewise a choice to develop your own WooCommerce automation from scratch. You will then see a visual email automation contractor where you can make any required modifications.

Autonami Marketing Automation Email Analytics for WooCommerce

The screenshot above reveals the workflow for sending a thank you email after a consumer makes their first order. You can even see in-line analytics for each email.

You can find out more in our guide on tailoring WooCommerce emails. Make sure you scroll down to the area on FunnelKit Automation.

Suggestion: We suggest integrating FunnelKit Automation with an SMTP service like WP Mail SMTPThis will ensure your emails are provided to your consumers and will not get lost or wind up in the spam folder.

2. Establish an Automated Marketing Campaign With Push Notifications

You can run an automatic marketing project utilizing push notices instead of emails. These alerts go straight to the user’s internet browser or mobile phone, which suggests they have a much greater engagement rate than SMS messages.

The simplest method to establish automatic push notices is with PushEngageIt is the best web push alert software application for WordPress, and over 10,000 companies utilize it to send out targeted messages.

Produce a brand-new drip autoresponder

You can alter the title, message, URL, icon image, and more for each notice by broadening it.

There is likewise a sneak peek of how your notices will search in the internet browser.

Modify your push alerts

PushEngage likewise lets you pick when to send out each notice. You can instantly send out the first alert and pick various times for the following one.

For more information, see our guide on establishing automatic drip notices in WordPress.

3. Let Customers Track Orders With Automated Transactional Emails

WooCommerce will require you to send out various transactional emails to your consumers. These assist them in getting order verifications, tracking their order status, getting billings, and discovering more details about your online shop.

You can personalize and automate these emails utilizing FunnelKit Automation, a popular WooCommerce plugin for marketing automation.

The FunnelKit Automation control panel makes it simple to develop brand-new automation. You can click among the plugin’s numerous design templates.

Funnelkit Automations WooCommerce Automation Templates

You can filter the list to discover the WooCommerce automation you want to utilize rapidly. You may desire to send out automated thank-you emails to duplicate consumers.

You can then tailor the automation utilizing the visual automation contractor, consisting of the material of the email.

Funnelkit Automations Workflow and Email Customization

For comprehensive directions, please see the area about sending out automated transactional emails with FunnelKit Automation in our guide on how to send out automatic emails.

4. Rapidly Update Your Customers With Automated SMS Messages

Numerous clients choose to get a text to inform them about their orders. Plugins like YITH WooCommerce SMS Notifications or FunnelKit Automation immediately send your clients SMS messages.

Yith SMS Notifications Plugin

SMS messages are an efficient method to keep your consumer’s approximate date. They have a 98% typical open rate, with 95% of messages reading in the first 3 minutes!

You can send automated texts to your consumers when their orders or status modifications are dispatched. You can immediately send SMS alerts to your clients or let them choose at checkout.

Please learn how by following our guide on sending SMS messages to your WordPress users.

5. Automate All Invoicing and Payment Processes

As a company owner, there is a lot to handle. If you are still producing billings by hand, you can change to an expert invoicing software application that automates all invoicing and payment procedures. You will be complimentary to focus on growing your company.

A plugin like WooCommerce PDF Invoices makes creating billings, gathering orders, and handling your financial resources simple.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices

You can likewise conserve time by accepting repeating payments or including memberships to WooCommerce. This WooCommerce automation will assist in automating the billing procedure and can save you time.

With automated repeating payments, you do not need to hang around by hand sending out billings and waiting on payments from your consumers.

Plus, including membership payments to your eCommerce company will offer you constant capital, fewer payment mistakes, and fewer payment hold-ups.

Producing a repeating payment in WooCommerce

6. Automated Usage Store Activity Notifications to Boost Sales

Automated FOMO and social evidence notices can likewise increase sales in your WooCommerce shop.

FOMO, brief for worry of losing out, is a marketing method to produce enjoyment about an item, and it uses psychology to motivate consumers to make purchasing choices much faster.

Plus, social evidence reveals to visitors that other consumers have bought your items, which can encourage users that your online shop is reliable.

The best way to include social evidence on your site is by utilizing TrustPulseIt, among the best social evidence plugins for WordPress on the marketplace.

TrustPulse instantly keeps track of activity on your website. When prospective clients are close to purchasing something, they will see a notice revealing that another client has bought it.

You will offer your visitors a little push to finish their purchase by merely showing social evidence. To get more information, see Method 1 of our guide on how to utilize FOMO to increase conversions.

7. Instantly Display Your Best Product Reviews

Would you like to instantly show the very best evaluations of your items from throughout the web? You might copy and paste them by hand. However, that is a great deal of work. Plus, there would be a hold-up before they appear on your site.

Fortunately, Smash Balloon has an Evaluations Feed Pro plugin that lets you immediately display your finest evaluations from platforms like Google Reviews, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and more.

Client evaluations, showed on a WordPress site

It includes pre-designed design templates to show your evaluations in various designs, including displays, carousels, grids, and more.

The Reviews Feed immediately copies your site’s style so that the evaluations appear like a natural part of your site instead of content ingrained from another platform.

You can follow our guide on revealing Google, Facebook, and Yelp evaluations to establish your automated evaluation feed in WooCommerce.

8. Utilize an Automated Sales Funnel to Boost Sales Conversions

A sales funnel is how a user handles your site to become a client, and it comprises the particular pages a user might go to before purchasing.

A brand-new visitor may land on a blog post, see an item page, and go through your checkout circulation.

Just 10% of consumers, on average, will include anything in their carts. After they do, 60-80% of them desert their carts without finishing the purchase.

Fortunately, you can alter that to utilizeFunnelKit, the very best WooCommerce sales funnel plugin. You can utilize the plugin to enhance each action, provide a much better user experience, decrease interruptions, and push users toward finishing their purchases.

It comes with a one-clickUpsells function, which permits users to include items in their carts on their method to the checkout.

WooFunnels One Click Upsell

FunnelKit likewise lets you personalize the user journey with pre-checkout deals, customized checkout kind designs, lovely design templates, and more.

The FunnelKit Funnel Builder lets you include order bumps to enhance earnings if somebody has $X in their cart. You can likewise have one-click order bumps on your checkout page.

Edit style of your bump deal

For more information, see our guide on making a high-converting sales funnel in WordPress.

9. Lower Cart Abandonment With Popups and Push Notifications

As we stated, 60 to 80% of individuals who include products in their cart do not purchase them. This indicates that you are losing many sales if you have an online shop.

Fortunately, you can utilize automated push notices to lower cart desertion rates. You can send a message when a user is about to leave your site and provide a voucher or complimentary shipping.

Or, if the consumer currently has marked-down products in their cart, they might require some peace of mind that they are making the best choice. Press alerts like these can assist you in recuperating 3 to 8% of deserting cart sales.

Smash Balloon exit intent popup

You can discover how to utilizeOptinMonster to include exit-intent popups by following our guide on developing a WooCommerce popup to increase sales.

What if the consumer leaves your website before they see the popup? Press notices can assist you in contacting your visitors after they visit your site. These messages will show in your customer’s web browsers even when they are not actively searching your shop.

Press alert deserted cart example

The most convenient method to do this is with PushEngageIt, the finest web push notice software application on the marketplace. It is utilized to send out over 15 billion push messages each month.

For more information, see our guide on how to include web push alerts to WordPress.

You can considerably lower cart desertion by enhancing your online shop and checkout procedure. We share many tested suggestions with genuine examples in our guide on how to recuperate WooCommerce deserted cart sales.

10. Send Out Automated Coupons to Bring Back Customers

It costs five times more to get a brand-new consumer than to keep an old one. With time, individuals might dislike your site, forget your items, or begin patronizing a rival.

One method to bring those consumers back is to send them a voucher code using email immediately. You can utilize automation tools to send out a voucher to clients who have been disengaged, such as when they do not position an order for two months or have stopped opening emails.

Arranging an automated voucher code

You can find out how in our detailed guide on how to send out automatic vouchers in WordPress to revive consumers.

Another excellent usage for automatic discount coupons is acknowledging and rewarding clients when they engage with your online shop. You may send a voucher after a consumer evaluates one of your items.

This constructs commitment to your shop and can get you more sales, and it likewise motivates buyers to examine more items in the future.

You can set up discount coupons beforehand so they head out immediately on popular vacations like Black Friday, Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. This will leave you free to concentrate on promoting your deals and getting as many sales as possible.

See our guide on how to set up vouchers in WooCommerce for in-depth directions.

In addition, as we pointed out, you can likewise provide a discount coupon in a popup. Revealing a voucher at the correct time makes a substantial distinction in transforming your site visitors into paying clients.

There are a couple of methods to do this, and we provide you with all the information in our detailed guide on developing a voucher popup in WordPress.

11. Automate Your Social Media Channels

You can likewise utilize automation to publish your online shop material to your social channels, letting you keep your social fans engaged with fresh material.

Extraordinary Automator has combinations with all popular social platforms. It will let you release brand-new posts on Facebook, display your most current item images on Instagram, market your sales on Twitter, and more.

Post a highlighted image to Instagram from WordPress

You can discover how to do this detailed by following our guides on immediately publishing to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

12. Instantly Display Social Media Content in WooCommerce

Are you searching for methods to reveal fresh material without doing any additional work? One way to do that is to instantly show your most current social network activity in your WooCommerce shop.

This can conserve time and keep your site material fresh and appealing to visitors. Plus, it can improve social evidence by showing your social networks fans, remarks, and like counts.

Smash Balloon automates your site material by showing your current social network activity. It is a popular social network feed plugin for WordPress that over 1.4 million sites utilize.

You can include a Facebook feed to WordPress, and brand-new posts will immediately appear in real-time. Your consumers can likewise like, share, and discuss your WordPress posts, which is a terrific method to get more engagement on Facebook.

An example of an ingrained Facebook feed, developed utilizing Smash Balloon

You can alter the feed’s color pattern, style a custom-made header, and include ‘like’ and ‘load more’ buttons.

If you publish stunning pictures and engaging videos to Instagram, it makes good sense to publish that material to WordPress too.

An Instagram picture feed, produced utilizing Smash Balloon

You can even reveal other individuals’ pictures on your website by producing a hashtag feed or showing the posts in which other individuals have tagged your account.

The following image shows an example of an online shop that utilizes a custom-made Instagram feed to reveal user-generated material.

An example of Instagram user-generated material

For information, please see our detailed guide on how to include your social network feeds in WordPress.

Suggestion: For more pointers on utilizing social channels to grow your online shop and boost sales, you can see our entire social networks cheat for WordPress.

13. Make Your Forms Smarter Using Automation

You can utilize type plugins likeWPForms to gather all types of details from your clients.

You can utilize a kind plugin to show a contact type, produce a survey, collect reviews, or develop a study type.

The best thing is that WPForms quickly incorporates many other tools and plugins, so you can quickly automate any action after somebody completes your type.

When somebody fills in an order type, you can use conditional reasoning to send an email notification to the appropriate department, depending on the item bought.

WPForms Conditional Logic for Sending Notifications

You can send a verification email to the consumer who completed the kind to let them understand you will touch quickly. This is a grand gesture that allows your users to know that you have gotten their info.

In addition, by utilizing Google Sheets, Addonyou can send out any fields you wish to a spreadsheet. This will enable you to use spreadsheet functions to evaluate the information and work with others in your group.

Utilizing WPForms' Google Sheets Addon

To automate your kinds even more, Exceptional Automator will let you link WPForms and other plugins to 100+ third-party services without paying for services like Zapier.

You can develop an Uncanny Automator dish to send consumer information to Airtable. Your group will be able to gain access to and utilize the information quickly.

Utilizing Uncanny Automator to Send WPForms Data to Airtable

For more information, see our guide on developing automatic workflows with Uncanny Automator.

14. Automate Live Chat Using Artificial Intelligence

Automated chatbots are the future of live chat software applications since they enable you to engage with your clients 24/7. They can maximize time by immediately addressing typical consumer concerns, producing leads, enhancing user experience, and making more sales.

Chatbot.com is the finest AI chatbot software application for WordPress. It lets you quickly automate live chat on your site by establishing your chatbot utilizing a drag-and-drop contractor. You are not required to do any coding or unique technical abilities.

ChatBot live chat

It even features pre-built design templates that you can utilize as a beginning indicate rapidly get your AI chatbot up and running. These design templates include offering items, client service, recruitment, reservations, and more.

You can utilize the eCommerce bot design template to stroll your consumers through the purchasing procedure. There are even design templates for particular markets, consisting of a coffee shopbot, recruitment bot, and dining establishment bot.

Suppose visitors wish to interact with a genuine individual. In that case, you can quickly forward them to your consumer assistance representative, phone assistance, or any of ChatBot’s live chat software application combinations, such as LiveChat.

15. Usage Uncanny Automator for Even More WooCommerce Automation

This post consists of many expert tools that do particular automation tasks well. By contrast, Extraordinary Automator is a Swiss army knife that allows you to produce all automation workflows without composing code.

It functions as a bridge so you can get various WordPress plugins speaking with each other and loads of third-party services.

You produce automation by developing Uncanny Automator dishes, including triggers and actionsThe actions that will be instantly run when a user or WooCommerce activates an occasion.

Exceptional Automator Triggers and Actions for WooCommerce

Here are a few of the WooCommerce activities you can utilize to run a dish:

  • A consumer sees an item
  • A consumer including an article in their cart
  • A consumer spending for an item
  • A payment stopped working
  • A consumer evaluating an item
  • And a lot more

The dish can instantly run any of these WooCommerce actions:

  • Developing an order with an item
  • Altering the rate of an item
  • Getting and emailing a voucher code
  • Offering an order a particular status

You can produce many dishes, permitting you to conserve numerous hours while running your online shop more effectively.

You can utilize Uncanny Automator to instantly develop a brand-new client account when somebody sends a contact kind on your site or send out notices to Slack.

Reward: Track Conversions to Learn How to Increase Sales

To utilize any marketing automation platform successfully, you will require easy-to-understand reports that inform you precisely what is working for your company and what isn’t.

MonsterInsights is the very best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It lets you get a clear image of what is occurring on your website and what you can do to generate more sales.

It features WooCommerce conversion tracking, kind submissions, outgoing link tracking, and user tracking.

Its Reports page has an ‘eCommerce’ tab that reveals your crucial conversion metrics: the conversion rate, deals, earnings, and typical order worth. Below is a list of your leading items with the amount, sale portion, and overall income.

Ecommerce report in MonsterInsights

You will likewise see your leading conversion sources. You can utilize this report to bring in more clients and provide special discount rates for consumers from particular sources.

For comprehensive guidelines, see our guide on establishing WooCommerce conversion tracking.

You can likewise link Google Sheets with WooCommerce to quickly tape and handle your orders and client information. As soon as the details remain in a Google Sheet, you can quickly filter it based on elements like the overall order, the consumer’s area, discount coupons utilized, and more.

You can then share these details with your group, even if they cannot access the WordPress control panel. You can quickly send this information to your providers, marketing departments, or other group members.

You are even able to turn this information into charts and charts. All of this makes examining the details simpler and utilizing these insights to tweak your organization and get more sales.

We hope this tutorial helped you determine how to increase sales utilizing WooCommerce automation. You might wish to see our guide on including wholesale prices in WooCommerce or our professional choices for the best WooCommerce plugins for your shop.


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