How to Create a Digital Product Marketplace in WordPress

Do you want to make a digital item market in WordPress?

A digital market is a site where other individuals can offer pictures, artwork, music, ebooks, spreadsheets, online courses, or other digital downloads. WordPress makes it simple to produce a safe and secure online market for several suppliers.

This post will reveal how to quickly produce a digital item market utilizing WordPress without employing a designer.

What Platform Should You Use for Your Digital Product Marketplace?

A digital item market is a site where users can register to offer ebooks, images, videos, and other downloadable material.

If you wish to produce a digital market, you will initially require to select your eCommerce platform. Some platforms are a better fit for offering physical products than digital ones.

Plus, some do not have the functions you require for a multi-vendor market. Relocating to various platforms in the future can be challenging and lengthy.

That implies you wish to pick an option with functions that secure your digital downloads, including appropriate licensing and memberships.

We advise utilizing WordPress + Easy Digital Downloads.

simple digital downloads

WordPress is the finest site home builder on the marketplace, utilized by over 43% of all sites on the web.

It’s essential to understand that there are two kinds of WordPress software applications, and you do not wish to select the incorrect one.

There is, which is a blog site hosting platform. There is, which is likewise understood as self-hosted WordPress. You can see our guide on the distinction between and for a complete contrast.

You must utilize the self-hosted platform since it offers complete control over your site. It provides flexibility for any digital item using a plugin like Easy Digital Downloads.

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is the best WordPress eCommerce plugin for offering digital items, and it has all the functions you require to establish a multi-vendor market.

We utilize this plugin to offer numerous of our premium WordPress plugins, which are downloadable files limited to members. Easy Digital Downloads likewise feature integrated license secrets.

If you desire an online Shotokan to offer digital items yourself, please see our guide on providing digital downloads on WordPress.

This post will reveal how to set up a multi-vendor market where other individuals can offer digital products on your WordPress site.

Let’s look at how to quickly establish your WordPress digital market website with Easy Digital Downloads.

Action 1: Setting Up Your WordPress Website

To begin offering digital downloads with WordPress, you will require domain web hosting and an SSL certificate.

  • A domain is your site’s address on the web. Visitors will type this into their web browsers to reach your site, such as ‘’
  • Webhosting is a service that will save your site files and digital downloads. To assist you, we have carefully picked a few of the finest WordPress hosting you can purchase.
  • An SSL certificate is required to develop a safe and secure connection between your site and users so that you can accept online payments.

Among our leading suggested hosting service providers, SiteGround, provides handled WordPress hosting for Easy Digital Downloads. It includes a complimentary SSL certificate, EDD preinstalled, and optimization functions. Plus, you get a significant 73% off!

Generally, you can produce and run your site for less than $5 monthly.

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive SiteGround deal ←

Let’s explore how to buy your domain, web hosting, and SSL certificate.

Go on and open the SiteGround site in a brand-new tab so that you can follow along. The first thing you must do is click the ‘Get Plan’ button.

SiteGround Managed EDD Hosting

After that, SiteGround will ask you to enter your site’s domain. If you do not have a name in mind, you can see our guide on picking the best part.

You will require to include your account details.

You will likewise have the ability to acquire some optional additionals. You can constantly include these at a later date if you require them. If you are uncertain, then we suggest avoiding this action.

After entering your payment information, SiteGround will send you an email with directions on visiting your hosting account. This is a web hosting control board where you can handle your brand-new site.

Just log in to your SiteGround account, and you will see that SiteGround has currently set up WordPress for you and has likewise preinstalled Easy Digital Downloads.

SiteGroud Login to WordPress

You can then click the ‘WordPress Admin’ button to take you to your WordPress website’s control panel.

If, for some factor, you do not wish to utilize SiteGround, then you can likewise set up WordPress on other hosting businesses like Bluehost, Hostinger, and WP Engine by following a similar procedure.

Action 2: Create an Online Store With Easy Digital Downloads

WordPress does not have eCommerce performance out of the package by default, so you will require a plugin to offer digital downloads.

Plugins for WordPress websites resemble apps for your phone, including various functions and performances on your site.

We will utilize the Easy Digital Downloads plugin to include multi-vendor eCommerce functions.

If you declared our SiteGround EDD Hosting to handle the previous action, then Easy Digital Downloads is currently set up on your site. You can continue to the ‘Entering Your Business and Location Information’ area below.

If you are utilizing another hosting company, then you initially require to set up and trigger the Easy Digital Downloads plugin. For more information, see our detailed guide on how to set up a WordPress plugin.

Keep in mind: You can utilize the complimentary Easy Digital Downloads plugin to offer digital items online; likewise, you will require an Expert Pass or greater to turn your site into a digital item market. Later in this tutorial, we will show you how to set this up.

Entering Your Business and Location Information

Upon activation, you must go to the Downloads” Settings page in your WordPress admin location, and this will begin the Easy Digital Downloads setup wizard.

You will be asked to enter your company name and place it on the setup wizard’s first page.

You may question why your area is required if you are not offering physical items. When a consumer buys, Easy Digital Downloads will utilize the nation and state details to auto-fill some fields.

Your area might be utilized to compute sales tax.

To include your area, open the ‘Business Country’ dropdown menu. You can now pick the nation where your organization is based.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup Select a Country

Next, discover the ‘Business Region’ field. Here you can type the state or province where your shop runs from.

Depending upon your place, you might likewise wish to tailor the currency utilized on your site. By default, Easy Digital Downloads reveals all your costs in United States dollars and puts the dollar indication before prices; 5 dollars is shown as ‘$ 5.’

To alter the default currency settings, scroll to the Currency area and open the ‘Currency’ dropdown. You can now select a brand-new currency.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup Select Currency

Simply know that some payment entrances might decline every currency. If you are uncertain, then examining the site for your picked payment entrance is an excellent concept. Most payment entrances have a list of the coins they support.

As soon as you end up, you must click the ‘Save & Continue’ button. This will bring you to the next page, where you can establish your payment techniques.

Establishing Your Payment Methods

If you wish to offer digital items, you will require a method to gather online payments.

Stripe is among the leading payment businesses that do not need lengthy procedures to register for a merchant account. They permit anybody with a genuine organization to accept charge card payments online.

Click the ‘Connect with Stripe’ button to begin with Stripe rapidly.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup Connect With Stripe

This opens a setup wizard, which will assist you in linking your site to Stripe.

If you require, you can include more payment entrances later on. Look at the alternatives on the Easy Digital Download extensions page, such as PayPal, Braintree,, and more.

When you are done, click the ‘Save & Continue’ button at the bottom of the screen.

Configuring Your Receipts

Each time somebody purchases a digital download, Easy Digital Downloads will send them an email.

This email has a link the consumer can use to download the acquired file. Mail them that email by including your text and branding. Strong branding can make your organization look more expert and influence commitment.

To include a logo design in your emails, click the ‘Attach File’ button and upload or pick an existing image from your WordPress media library.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup Configure Your Receipts

You can likewise include a ‘From Name.’ This name will be displayed in the consumer’s inbox. You will wish to utilize something that lets clients understand who you are, such as your site’s name.

You will likewise require to include a ‘From Email.’ This email will serve as the ‘from’ and ‘reply-to’ address. Considering that consumers might respond to your messages, you will wish to utilize an expert email address you regularly examine.

As soon as you enjoy your email branding, you may like to modify the material of the email invoice. The default message will work well for many markets.

When you enjoy your modifications, click the ‘Save & Continue’ button.

Picking Conversion and Optimization Tools

The setup wizard will now set up some complimentary tools to increase conversions and enhance your digital shop.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup Conversion and Optimization Tools

These tools consist of the following:

  • Vehicle Register is an Easy Digital Downloads extension that enhances the checkout experience by immediately developing user represent brand-new clients.
  • WP Mail SMTP is a plugin that guarantees that your emails are provided dependably to your consumers and will not get lost or wind up in the spam folder.
  • MonsterInsights is the finest analytics service for WordPress that assists you see where your visitors are originating from and what they do on your site.
  • All in One SEO is the finest SEO plugin for WordPress and CTO and assist you enhance your website for online search engines to get more traffic and sales.

We advise keeping all of packages examined. You can uncheck the boxes of tools you do not des engines set up.

You will likewise discover a toggle button where you can assist enhance Easy Digital Downloads by sharing confidential use information with the designers. You can find out more in our guide on the permits to improving WordPress plugins to gather inforpersonalouseras. You have made your choices; click the ‘Save & Continue’ button at the bottom of the page.

Including Your First Product

You are now on the last page of the Easy Digital Downloads setup wizard. Here you can include your very first item to your site.

Easy Digital Downloads Setup What Are You Going to Sell?

If you are prepared to include a brand-new item now, you can enter its information into the type and then click the Save & Continue button.

Otherwise, do not hesitate to click the Skip this action button to complete the Easy Dithenloads setup wizard.

Congratulations, you have actually now finished the preliminary setup of your online shop. The next action will be to turn it into a multi-vendor market.

Action now finished your online shop’s preliminary setup. That you have produced an online shop utilizing Easy Digital Downloads; you must include additional functions to turn it into a more market.

This consists of enabling others to include digitalmustwebsite, plus the capability to divide the payments in between your shop and the supplier. If a software application is used on your website, you would likewise be required and license secrets.

Buying a Professional Pass

To doapplicationssiss, you will be required to buy you will likewise be required to set up the extensions you require. You can purchase the prom the Easy Digitmustte.

Purchase an EDD Professional Pass

When your purchase has finished more excellent, you will be required to a verification page showing your license secret.

You should .copy this essential so yt into the Easy Digital Downloads plugin on your WordPshowing

EDD License Key

Now, merely go back to your site and browse to the Downloads” Settings page in the WordPress admin location.

Paste EDD License Key

You need to paste the secret into the ‘Paste license secret’ field. After that, you will require to click the ‘Verify License Key’ button.

One must go to the next page, click the ‘Connect and Install Easy Digital Downloads (Prmustontinue.

Link EDD and Upgrade to Pro

The plugin’s Pro functions will be opened, and an access message will be shown.

As soon as you click the ‘OKAY’ button, you will be rerouted back to the Easy Digital Downloads Settings page.

EDD Upgrade Success Notification

Now you are all set to set up the Pro extensions to permit several suppliers to offer digital items on your site.

Setting Up the Frontend Submissions Extension

The very first Easy Digital Downloads extension you require to set up is Frontend Submissions. This will permit several suppliers to include digital items on your website, and Likewimustu will authorize their items before they appear for sale.

Browse to Downloads” Extensions and look for Fronten look submissions.

EDD Frontend Submissions Extension

As soon as you discover it, mebeforeck the ‘Install’ button. When the extension is set up, it will be instantly triggered.

Now you reWhenrowse back to the ds” Settings page and then click the ‘FES’ tab that has been included. Here, you cause Frontend Submissions extension.

The terms’ sup then ‘item’ will work for many item markets. If you want to utilize various terms, then you can type them into the very first 2 fields on this page.

EDD Frontend Submissions Extension Settings

Next, you can scroll down to the Vendor Announcement field. Thtimesllhe messages your suppliers that they visit your website arrive on the Vendor Dashboard page.

Just type the message you want them to see into the text box.

EDD Frontend Submissions Extension Vendor Announcement

Make certain you click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom when you are ended up.

Setting Up the Commissions Extension

Next, you reEnsure up a 2nd Easy DigitaChangesads extension. The Commissions end will enable you to configure what portion of each sale goes to the supplier and what portion goes to your shop.

YCommission’sto browses to Downloads” Extensions and set up the Commission’s extension. When the extension is set up, it will be instantly triggered.

EDD Commissions Extension

Now, you require to head back to the Downloads” Settings page and click the Extensions tab. In the ‘Commissions Settings’ area, you will discovemustfor the default portion your suppliers will be paid and more.

The very first choice is the ‘Default rate’ that your suppliers will make from a sale. The default is 60%, however you can alter this to any you like.

EDD Commissions Extension Settings

The default settings of the other choices will work for many digital markets; however, you just need to alter them if you have a particular requirement.

As soon as you have ended up with the extension, you do not need to click the ‘Save Changes button at the bottom of the screen.

Idea: Make certain to include all the details prospective suppliers require to understand the Changes site. Do not forget to consist of the commiIncludes will be making.

Optional: Configuring the Software Licensinxtension

If you are preparing to enable users to offer license secrets for software application and other digital items in your market, then you will prepare the Software Licensing extension.

This can be set upapplicationsownloads” Extensions page.

Setting Up the Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing Extension

You can establish an extension by going to Downloads” Settings” Extensions

Open the Software Licensing tab.

Setting Up the Easy Digital Downloads Software Licensing Extension

The alternatives you select will depend upon the requirements of your market and the kinds of downloads.ds being offered.

You can find out more on the Software application Licensing page of the Easy Digital Downloads site.

Step 4: CustomizingDigital Product Marketplace Emails

Easy DigitalApplicationconsists of default emails for when your users register to become a supplier, make a sale, and more.

While the default messages will work well for many markets, you may like to personalize your design and branding.

To do this, you will require to browse to the Download” Settings page and click the ‘Em ails’ tab. You will discover links along the top for various kimustconsisting of emails for ‘Commission Notifications’ and ‘Frontend Submissions’.

EDD Email Settings

When you click the ‘Frontend Submission, you will see a list of emails.

These consist of ‘Vendor Application’, ‘New Product’,.’You will see a list of emails when Product’ and ‘Application Received,’ and you click its title.

If you click on ‘Vendor Application’, then you can personalize the notice email you will get whenever somebody uses to end up being a supplier.

Tailoring EDD Frontend Submissions Email

Instead of looking f,’ -new supplier applicationotificationhand, you can choose the ‘Disabled’ fendstus dropdown.

Keep in mind: By default, all supplier applications are immediately authorized. The Vendor Application email will not be sent out. Remember this setting by browsing to Downloads” Settings” FES” Permissions and unchecking the ‘Automatically Approve Vendors?’ box.

You may like the email to inform you e info about the individual using it to become a supplier. You can do this by modifying the ‘Em ail Body’ field.

To include indal details about the candidate, you become markers for their name, email address, website name, and more. Just click the ‘Insert Marker’ button, and select the tags from the popup.

Placing Markers Into an EDD Email Template

Once you have personalized the emaiClickforget, click the ‘Save’ button to keep your settings.

You can tailor the r suppliers will get when they have made a sale by clicking the ‘Commission Notifications’ link on the page.

Disable New Sale Alerts

The email body is blank by default; the India supplier will get the default notification email.

The default commission alert email appears like this.

Default EDD Sale Alert

If you want to alter the phrasing of the email, then merely type yonotificationerial into the ‘Em ail Body’ field.

You can tailor the email utilizing the design temple email’s phrasing bottomEnsurein you click the ‘Save CEmail’ button at the bottom of the screen, tousing modifications you have made.

Step 5: Selecting and Customizing Your WordPress Theme

A WordPress style controls the look of your online market website, including its design, typography, color, and other style components.

You may like to utilize the Vendd style for your digital products market because it is developed for digital downloads. This complimentary style collaborates with Easy Digital Downloads to provide many choices and functions for your online market.

Vendd Theme

If you bought SiteGround EDD hosting as we suggested previously, then Vendd was set up and triggered immediately when you set up WordPress.

Otherwise, you will require to set up and personalize the style yourself. For additional information, see our novice’s guide on how to set up a WordPress class.

There are thousands of other WordPress styles readily available. Both the Astra and Training Pro styles are suitable for EDD.

Another alternative is to develop your custom-made style from scratch.

To develop a custom-made style, you will require SeedProd

It is thy best site contractor plugin in the market and is utilized by over 1 million sites. You can use SeedProd to develop stunning designs that are expertly developed and enhanced for conversions and sales.

SeedProd likewise features excellent deals on ready-made design templates. These consist of styles that are best for promoting your digital downloads.


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