GA4 Update: “Once Per Session” Conversion Counting Method

An upgrade to GA4 brings higher versatility in conversion counting, permitting you to select between 2 approaches.

  • GA4 presents an “as soon as per session” conversion counting approach comparable to Universal Analytics.
  • Users can select “as soon as per occasion” and “as soon as per session” counting techniques for much better information analysis.
  • Altering the counting technique is essential and can be done through the Admin > > Conversions settings in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now enables users to customize the counting approach for conversions, presenting an “as soon as per session choice, which resembles how Universal Analytics (UA) ran.

This upgrade was found by Charles Farina, GA4 & & Adobe Analytics lead at Adswerve, and validated on a Google aid page.

2 Conversion Counting Methods

GA4 now provides two various counting approaches for conversion occasions:

  • 1. As soon as per occasion: With this setting, GA4 counts an occasion as a conversion whenever it occurs. Google advises this alternative since it uses insight into user habits on your website or app. It compares sessions with numerous modifications and those with just one mutation.

Example: If a user finishes five conversions in one session, this setting counts five.

  • 2. As soon as per session (Legacy): This alternative indicates that GA4 counts an occasion as a conversion when per session, comparable to how Universal Analytics runs. Pick this alternative if you carefully want your GA4 conversion count to resemble your UA conversion count.

Example: If a user finishes five conversions in one session, this setting counts one conversion.

Default Counting Method

If you put on’ t choose a counting technique, GA4 will immediately utilize the default approach based on how conversion occasions were developed:

  • When per session is the default for conversions produced from Universal Analytics objectives in an immediately developed GA4 home or utilizing the objectives migration tool in the Setup Assistant after February 2023.
  • When per occasion is the default for all other conversions.

Recognizing Counting Method For Each Conversion Event

To see the counting technique for each conversion occasion, check out the Conversion occasions table in Admin > > Conversions

An icon beside a conversion shows the “when per session technique, while no icon symbolizes the “when per occasion technique.

How To Change the Counting Method

To customize the counting technique for a conversion occasion, follow these actions:

  • Click Admin in Google Analytics.
  • Under the Property menu, click Conversions.
  • In the Conversion Events table, click the 3-dot icon More at the far right of a row.
  • Click Change counting technique.
  • Select your favored counting approach (Note: If you can’t pick an alternative, you wear t have the necessary consent).
  • Click Save.

You can alter this setting at any time. Remember that modifications to counting techniques are used for future conversions for a particular mutation, no previous information.

In Summary

Including the “when per session conversion counting technique in GA4 permits much better versatility and understanding of user habits.

By using both the “when per occasion and when per session alternatives, ” you can better align your GA4 conversion counts with your Universal Analytics information.

Source: Google

Included Image produced by Midjourney


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